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Underground Utility Locating & Mapping Services

Call Us First

(909) 392-7764

Whether you're planning to bore, trench, cut or dig,
Western Regions Locating can help you 
avoid unnecessary setbacks, damages, costs and dangerous mistakes on your project.

Did you know that 
65% of utility lines are private utilities & NOT located by calling 811?

Western Regions Locating employs an Industry-wide recognized process used to ensure no utility is missed and all locatable underground utilities are located and marked.

Dig confidently and safely.
Call Western Regions Locating

Western Regions Locating strives to be the best choice for your Subsurface Utility Mapping (SUM) needs. WRL employs expertly trained, professional, OSHA certified technicians with the best equipment in the industry to provide the best results for all your Subsurface Utility Engineering needs. Our field team consists of master & journey-level technicians with a combined 30-years of experience in the underground utility industry. We are dedicated to providing the best service possible by accurately locating and protecting underground infrastructure, our client's employees and the general public.


As a full-service SUM firm, WRL's services include Electro-magnetic Utility Locating (Designating), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Concrete ScanningPipe & Sewer Inspection (CCTV)Utility Mapping (AutoCAD), and Potholing/ Trenching.

 Depending on your needs, these services can be used individually, or as complete package to provide a complete and comprehensive Underground Utility Survey.


WRL has the capability to locate non-metallic and metallic utilities, including cables, conduits, underground storage tanks (UST) and other structures at up to 12 ft. depth, including Water, Gas, Electric, Communications, Fiber-optics, Cable TV, Sewer, Drain, Air and various other underground lines and infrastructure.


Allow us at Western Regions Locating to partner with you on your next project.

We are confident we can provide you with unmatched quality services at unmatched rates.


We know that when you're trying to keep your project on-time, and on budget, it's easy to get frustrated with private utility locating companies. Many are slow to respond, can't quote you a fair price, have terrible turnaround times on locating and mapping and horrible customer service.


At Western Regions Locating, we have the professional skills, latest tools, technology, and the expertise to get your underground line locating job done right! We assist construction companies, engineering firms, contractors, and homeowners just like you with their underground-utility service needs. Our many services include public and private utility locating, ground penetrating radar (GPR), utility mapping/surveying, digalert/811 field-response, underground line-interception and more.


We take pride in being a veteran-owned & operated company with the BEST Industry experience, knowledge and reputation among Southern California's locating-industry professionals.  We follow Industry Best Practices and always ensure our utility locating, mapping/surveying follow the strictest Guidelines, found in CI/ASCE 38-02.


We guarantee the best rates, response time and our customer's 100% satisfaction.

Which do I need? 811/DigAlert or a Private Locating Company?

Are you aware of the significant differences between using 811/DigAlert and hiring a Private Locator? There are some things you won’t get with 811 but you will certainly get with private utility locating companies. Here you...

Is underground utility locating service free?

There are two sides to this question. Public underground utility locating services are free while private ones require payment.


So, what's the difference between these two services? We'll discuss...

Subsurface Utility Engineering
By C. Paul Scott

The SUE process revolutionized how designers, engineers, and contractors handle underground pipes and power lines during highway planning, design, and construction.


Every year, thousands...


WR Locating

PO Box 413

La Verne, CA 91750


Copyright © 2018-2024 | All Rights Reserved | WRL | Western Regions Locating | WR Locating | A1 Pro Locators | WR Trenching 

Western Regions Transportation Services, Inc. 

Contractors State License Board #1086857

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